BBall is made with dedication and long term commitment to the game of basketball.

Create your team, invite your friends and players and be a part of the evolution.

BBall is made for you.

The services are ad-free and privacy secure. Using BBall you are not the product, its your dedicated tool and assistant to improve your basketball day-to-day. Use BBall to communicate and collaborate using ONE platform, regardless of level, country, age and gender.

BBall: One world - One game - One service

Tools Avaliable
Practice Overview
Practice Attendance
Practice Notifications
Practice Planner
Load Management
Fatigue Tool
Pain/Inquery Feature
Match Overview
Match Attendance
Match Notifications
Premium Feature


BBall is free to download and use. The basic features of practices, chat, calendar and attendance are completetly free to use. There is a Premium feature for the app that give you access to all advanced features. This is the only income for the BBall service.
We have sorted use of BBall in two areas
Core use
Which is basically management of your team and practices. 100 % free forever.
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Extra use
For coaches and players with ambitions to do a little more for their career and to use extra features, reports and all we will keep developing within the scope of sport-science and keeping it all privacy secure. This is based on a subscription model.
Create or join a team
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Create or join a team by clicking on the or search icon in top right corner BBall is completely empty when you start.
if you are a coach
You should start with creating a team
if you are a player
You should start by searching for a team
invite people to your team
After team is created you can invite people to your team. You can only invite people you know by their phonenumber. Or you can ask them to search for the team name.
Feature chat
After you create a team you will see that the chat-feature give you a team and friends function. Team is automatically updated related to players connected to your team.
Create practices
By clicking on the icon in the top right corner. As soon as you start setting up practices you will see that the Dashboard and calendar start to fill up.
Related to practices you can start to take full advantage of the Premium features like:
Practice Overview
Practice Planner
Practice Attendance
Load Management
Practice Notifications
Fatigue Tool
and a lot more



BBall Heart Hoodie Unisex
BBall Sekk

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